Thursday, April 2, 2009

Gio is out from under the tanning bulbs and eating better every day.  The little patches on his face are velcro to attach his sunshades, those should come off tomorrow. His meds are reduced every few days so as long as he continues to behave himself, he should be home before we know it.  I brought in a few clothes that should have fit him, but as you can see, he's swimming in his onsie.  At least he has a head full of hair, Steve and I love to swirl it into a mowhawk.   


  1. He's adorable! :) Congrats again!

  2. hi erika...congrats on Gio! I am sorry for being a slacker and not getting a card in the mail yet...let alone a gift made. How are you holding up with the trips to the hospital? I know what you are going through if you want to chat/email. Kade was 4 weeks early and Add was 5. She was in the NICU for 11 days. It was hard, but it will be over soon. I have been thinking about you all week. I hope you are holding up and recovering fast. He looks adorable from the pictures. Congrats! I know it's cliche, but being a MOm is amazing. love you, nat

    ps my email is if you want to chat.

  3. He looks a little bigger already!!!
    Eat up, big boy!
